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How to Start Your Investment Journey

Imagine retiring decades earlier than your peers, traveling the world, and leaving a legacy for your loved ones - all thanks to starting your investment journey early. Building wealth early in life can open doors to a world of possibilities and the earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow, and the better your chances for success on your investment journey. Building wealth early in life can provide numerous benefits. The earlier one starts investing, the more time their money has to grow, which can lead to greater returns over time. Additionally, starting to save and invest early can help establish good financial habits and create a sense of financial security. The concept of an investment journey refers to the process of building wealth over time through a variety of investment strategies and vehicles. It involves setting goals, creating a plan, and consistently working towards those goals. Investing early and consistently is a key component of a successful investment journey.

Compound Interest

The power of compound interest is one of the most important concepts to understand when it comes to building wealth. Compound interest is the interest earned on both the original principal and any interest that has accumulated over time. This means that the longer money is invested, the greater the potential returns. For example, if you invest $1000 at a 5% annual interest rate, after one year, you will have $1050. But if you leave that $1050 invested for another year, it will grow to $1120. Now think about when you wish to retire, let's say, at 50 years old you want to grab your money from the compound interest plan. Your output after 50 years of letting that money marinate will leave you with $18,679. Just imagine your output if you started with a $2000 investment. If you start with $1000, your outcome will result in $18,679, but with $2000 the money doubles to $37,358.The basic rule in compound interest is: If you start early with a big amount you will receive a big amount later on, viceversa. The simple $1000 difference can significantly increase overtime just by putting in a little bit more. With each passing year, the interest earned becomes a larger and larger portion of the overall investment, leading to exponential growth. This is why starting to invest early and consistently is so important - it allows compound interest to work in your favor over a longer period of time (Creditdonkey).


Compound interest is one of the tools you can use during your investment journey–another is diversification. The term diversification ties in with the ability to choose what you want to do, paired with the fact that you are surrounded with plenty of options you wish to pick. Diversification helps with spreading out your investment ideas which can reduce risk. For example, if you struggled really hard with your real estate plan and no one wanted to buy your property, you could switch paths. Diversification is really powerful because when one path goes wrong, there will always be other paths you can take. Some paths that can benefit young audiences are the Roth 401k, Traditional 401k, and the Roth IRA. Both Roth and Traditional 401k plans are employer-sponsored retirement savings plans that allow you to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. By experimenting with multiple plans, you can diversify your retirement savings which can help with flexibility in the long run. If you wish to be an independent individual, no problem. The Roth IRA is a self-independent retirement plan that allows you to save for your retirement on a tax-free basis. As you grow older, you will slowly decide which path you wish to take, whether you want to pay your taxes later with the Roth 401k or pay them early with the Roth IRA. This is the influence of diversification and how each type of plan solely revolves around the person and what they wish to do with it. In the long run, it benefits your risk tolerance and how well you can manage your money while also gaining money (FiveYearFireEscape).

Financial Stability

With the ability to manage your money, also comes with a catch of how stable that money is. If you are not in a financially stable position, any money you acquire or earn may not be used effectively because you may not know how to manage it wisely or make the most of it. In other words, if you are not financially capable of handling money properly, you may end up squandering or wasting the money you receive or earn, as you may not have the knowledge or skills to use it wisely or invest it in a meaningful way. Increasing and learning more about how you can become financially stable plays a huge role later down in your investment journey. Imagine a situation where you suddenly lose your job or have unexpected medical expenses. How would you cope with the financial burden? Financial stability is all about preparing for such situations by building a strong financial foundation that can withstand economic shocks. If not handled the right way, the shocks can throw you off in general, causing value to significantly drop, due to the fact that you have to switch to recovery mode. In addition to the key concepts mentioned earlier, there are a few other financial tools that can be used to achieve financial stability: Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), 529B Education Savings Plans, and Real Estate.

Financial Plans

Each plan has its own unique and useful plan that will benefit you in the long run if you so choose. First, is the 529B plan. Another strategy for establishing financial security is a 529B education savings plan. These programs are made to aid families in saving money for college costs. Tuition, books, rooms, and boards are just a few of the qualified higher education expenditures that can be paid for with money from a 529B account. Consider that because there are over 50 differ 529B plans for each state. Each state has different flexibility when it comes to qualify for an education expense. If you can’t pay for the expensive book in college, the 529B would be your guardian angel, helping you with the items you wouldn’t be able to buy regularly. The next is an HSA, the HSA (Health Savings Account) is a tax-advantaged account that can be used to pay for medical expenses. With the HSA, individuals can save money on taxes and build a fund to pay for medical expenses that are not covered by insurance. If you are ever in need of medical expenses, the HSA is the place to go. The thing is, you might not even need it now when you are young and healthy. Often you would use a HSA when you are around your 60s, so there is plenty of time before you would need to use it. So, investing in it when you are younger will benefit you because you will have a small amount of medical expenses, but when you are older, you will have more medical expenses to take care of. The last thing is real estate. Real estate is a great way to build your wealth overtime. Real estate can be an effective way to achieve financial stability because it can provide a steady stream of rental income and appreciate in value over time. Owning a rental property can generate a reliable monthly income that can be used to pay down debt, build an emergency fund, or save for long-term goals like retirement. Financial stability is super important if you want to be successful with money. It's all about having a good foundation that you can rely on when things get tough. You need to make a budget, keep your debt under control, and have some money set aside for emergencies (Creditdonkey).

Inflation and Budgeting

Financial stability is a crucial aspect of anyone's life, especially as we navigate through different stages and milestones. It is the ability to maintain a secure and sustainable financial situation that can withstand unexpected expenses and ensure a stable future. Achieving financial stability takes time, discipline, and smart decision-making skills. In this world where money has a significant impact on our daily lives, financial stability is not just a luxury but a necessity. When unexpected expenses pop up, it can really mess up your finances if you're not ready for them. But if you have a good emergency fund and can adjust your budget quickly, you can recover pretty easily and avoid going into debt. If you weren't aware already, there's this thing called inflation, which simply means prices go up over time. If you're not making more money than inflation, your money is also losing value. So, it's a good idea to invest in things like stocks or real estate that have the potential to earn more than inflation and help you stay financially stable in the long run. It's important to remember that inflation can also affect your financial stability. Inflation refers to the rising cost of goods and services over time, which reduces the purchasing power of your money. Therefore, investing in assets that have the potential to earn more than inflation, such as stocks, real estate, or other types of investments, is crucial to maintaining your financial stability in the long run. One of the most crucial steps towards achieving financial stability is creating a budget. It involves tracking your expenses and income and creating a plan that ensures you don't spend more than you make. A budget will help you prioritize your expenses and prevent you from overspending in areas that aren't as important. It can also provide insight into areas where you could potentially cut back on expenses and save more money (Annuity).


In conclusion, building wealth early in life is crucial in order to reap its benefits later on. Starting to invest early and consistently is key in creating a successful investment journey, as it allows the power of compound interest to work in your favor over a longer period of time. Diversification is another tool that can be used to reduce risk and increase flexibility in the long run, with options such as the Roth 401k, Traditional 401k, and the Roth IRA. Financial stability also plays an important role in managing and preserving wealth, as it prepares individuals for unexpected situations and economic shocks. Tools such as the 529B Education Savings Plan, Health Savings Account, and Real Estate can also aid in achieving financial stability. Overall, investing early and consistently, diversification, and achieving financial stability are all important elements in building your investment journey and leaving a legacy for future generations.


1. “Essential Money Management for Teens.” CreditDonkey, 26 Oct. 2020,

2. “Kids Need Financial Literacy: Use These Top 4 Methods.” Five Year FIRE Escape, 6 Sept. 2020,

3. Copy of Intrinsic Analysis. “Copy of Intrinsic Analysis.” Google Docs, 2019, cIK0/edit#gid=686187460. Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.

4. “CreditDonkey.” CreditDonkey, CreditDonkey, 26 Oct. 2020, Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.

5. “Kids NEED Financial Literacy: Use These Top 4 Methods.” Five Year FIRE Escape, 22 May 2020, Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.

6. “What Is a Wise Strategy to Stay out of Debt?”,, 2015, Accessed 20 Mar. 2023.

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